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Dr. Martin l. King Jr's
5 Step Protocol to solving
100 Years of Jim Crow
Concentrated Power
predictable pathologies of the democratic political process
Electoral Distortions
Ballot Access Suppression
Candidate & Party Ballot Access
Voter Ballot Access Suppression/ Distort Who Votes
Distorted Representation
Single Member Districts
Distorted Outcomes Through Vote Counting
Voter Access

Election and Representation Reform
Full version. A much lighter read than Zinn's People's History of the United States with more constructive solutions and no charge to purchase.
This link is for the long form 91 slide "Inclusive Democracy for the 99%" (14.3 MB .pdf) presentation, meant to be read. The Zoom shorter version is available below. The new directory makes it easy to find the section you want.
v 2.0 published 2 July 2021.
Inclusive Democracy for the 99%
Be an Innovator
Become a Founding Member of Best Democracy
Help start the movement to bring Proportional Representation to the United States.
PARTICIPATE! - Do not sit on the sidelines—engage, post (on the Best Democracy FB page and wherever you're active on social media - JK), question, think out loud, and act — nothing changes if all we do is watch! We will reach our fullest potential when we all take action. - Marie Bigham
Pluralism is a political philosophy that affirms diversity of thought within a political body. Pluralism institutionalizes a system of governance fostering the peaceful coexistence of different interests, convictions, and lifestyles. Most United States citizens live in One Party Dominant districts with little to no choice in who governs us. One Party control is not a real democracy. Full democracies are pluralistic.

Do We Have A Lot In Common - William T. Wiley, courtesy of the artist.
Proportional Representation systems are designed to represent and include everyone - a fully diverse cross section of the electorate, disperse concentrated power, hold individual elected officials and parties accountable, always reflect voter intent, facilitate compromise between parties, elect more women and minorities, and produce government bodies closer to the median of the public's views. Proportional Representation in Multi Member Districts destroys Gerrymandering, the Spoiler Effect and the Cartel Party system.
Hybrid Proportional Representation cherry picks the best features from 4 major variations of existing Pro Rep systems, provides the options from these 4 variations to voters, and includes 97% to 99% of all voters in outcomes.
Zoom version. This link is for the shorter version 63 slide Zoom version of "Inclusive Democracy for the 99% Zoom" (10.7 MB .pdf), meant for presentations. The number of examples and slides have been reduced. Some of the text has been edited out. It still has a lot of text and example systems, which can be skimmed over during the presentation.
v 2.1 published 6 July 2021.
Proportional Representation